About Me


Hi, I’m Trevor, also known as Clank – Student, Web Developer, and full-time nerd. If you’re interested in my professional career, you can check out my LinkedIn or fill out the form on my Contact page.


This site mainly exists to document and present my skills as a developer. It is one of my ever-evolving projects. 1astbyte is my sandbox to push the limits of web development and my skills. Check out my Portfolio if you’d like to see some of my professional work. If you’re interested in one of my fun ideas, check out my Projects page.


My mission as a developer is to enhance the connection between technology and humans. My goal is to make applications feel less robotic and more organic. In some cases, this means bridging the gap between flashy and superficial. It’s frequently forgotten that the end user may not be a power user. If things are too complicated, this leaves the user feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Ask yourself, what do you do when you run into this problem?